Tuesday, May 13, 2008


It's amazing what you can find on the internet. My father is the guy in the center (behind the sweetheart). Akindelas was a service organization. It's mission statement is below:


The primary mission of the AKINDELAS Fraternity is to pursue solutions and resolutions to health, economic and community development issues that effect the Afro-American community. Our objectives include finding revenue streams, providing education and other resources to combat the
effects of disease and practices that inflect suffering in our neighborhoods.
We shall further pursue areas that enhance our communities by recognizing academic achievement and support of local charities.


Unknown said...

I had a dream last night about the Arkindelas when I pledged at Cheyney state back in early eighties. I would love to connect with some of my brothers and sisters that are doing some wonderful things

Solo Productions Online! said...

Hi, I pledged Arkindelas in 78 at Cheyney. We where known as the lunchbox 13...I painted the Arkindelas rock behind Robinson Hall and the box on the ground over by truth all. I would love to know how the Frat is doing these days...solo7532000@yahoo.com Nathaniel Patterson

Ms Honey said...

My father was one of the founding members of the chapter at Alabama State University in the early 70's.